slowed to 10 mph. Immediately accelerate to 30 mph. Repeat this snubbing cycle for a total of 5 cycles and make a panic stop on the 6th cycle.
(k) At 10 mph, cause the unit to go into "emergency", simulating a breakaway from the
dump truck and dolly-semitrailer.
(l) Test the brake system in accordance with TTMA recommended practice RP3-1-12.
During the above tests, lights shall be on and turn signals actuated on turns. Upon completion of the travel, remove the rims and wheels and examine the entire unit, including the rims and
wheels. Damage to or permanent deformation of any part of the unit, change in critical mounting
point dimensions, evidence of any weld being defective, inability to complete any portion of the test, incompatibility with any towing vehicle, or operating difficulty shall constitute failure of this test. Nonconformance to 3.14, 3.15, and 3.17 shall constitute failure of this test. Railroad and air transport. Sectionalize and reassemble the unit. Nonconformance to 3.17.2, 3.17.3, or 3.17.4 shall constitute failure of these tests. The tests for sectionalization and for lifting and tiedown attachments may be accomplished in conjuction with the tests specified in and Lifting and tiedown attachments. Apply the static load specified in 3.22 for lifting attachments and 3.23 for tiedown attachments to the attachments after the attachments are mounted on the unit or section, as applicable. The direction of the applied load shall be in the direction in which the load is normally applied. Weld failure or permanent deformation of the attachment or of any component of the unit or section shall constitute failure of this test. Tiedown attachments (dynamic). Anchor each section of the unit independently, as sectionalized for rail transport, to a flat car using only the tiedown attachments. Use no blocking. Hump the flatcar at a speed of 7 miles per hour against five box cars with their brakes set. Repeat the test with the opposite end of the section in the direction of the five cars. Any permanent deformation or breakage of the tiedown attachments or parts of the section shall constitute failure of this test. Electromagnetic interference. The preproduction model shall be tested to determine conformance to 3.19. The supplier shall furnish to the contracting officer the test report required by MIL-STD-461. Disapproval of the report shall constitute failure of this test. Production. Operate each unit for a period of 1 hour without processing material. Test each brake system in accordance with TTMA RP3-1-12. Any operational difficulties,
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